Efficient Scalable Computing Combined with
Self-Learning Algorithms
Under the hood, the √rms platform allows us to ingest and integrate different types of digital metric sources for comprehensive analysis combined with multi-domain and multi-variate indexing. This allows us to run robust, actionable diagnostics for our clients. We also let our proprietary algorithms find the way through the data tunnel.

Brand Pattern

- Determine your brand´s digital pattern by mapping your marketing objective to a pattern of execution on various digital platforms, per priorities & risks.
- Find your brand´s real ´affinity to digital´ by analyzing brand turnover, industry, category, target audience, etc.


- Calculate your brand´s Digitality Quotient, with the algorithms in our Digitality Index.
- Measure the output of various digital assets and investments, using algorithms via the Performance Index.


- Index each metric against industry, category, geography, historical benchmarks, or custom parameters.
- Compare your results against the digital brand index pattern of your competitors or other reference points, to configure your optimum performance.


- Each metric tells a story – is it below, above or at par? Discover your opportunities and cover your risks by the thorough analysis of each valuable metric.
- Formulate your plan of action to achieve the best outcomes.
- Realize what are the next set of considerations to be made? Activations required? What help is available to make a focused impact?
Let´s Keep the Jargon Out, We Like it That Way
At the end of the day, our job is to make yours simple. We won´t just get you the information you need - we´ll make sure you understand it so you can act on it quickly. Our diagnostics are tailored to help you understand what metrics are most important for you based on your campaign objectives and take decisions based on that to make the best impact..

Proprietary Algorithms
√rms™ algorithms have been conceptualized and built with years of hands on experience in digital marketing, branding, operations research, strategy and big data driven analytics. Our approach and framework concludes that you can break down your digital brand into 2-dimensions from an analysis perspective:
- Digitality Index
- Performance Index

We use Multi-Sequence & Multi-Data
Flow Modeling
There are more than 100 digital metrics that are spread over a dozen domains (digital platforms). √rms™ does the heavy lifting behind the scenes, and provides you with simple, easy to understand, and business focused results.


- √rms™ is your Virtual Digital CMO, experienced in digital nuances.It is a data-driven advisor and understands industry & geographical peculiarities in digital brand marketing assessments.


- SAAS - Self-service and Subscription based mobile friendly Web app


- Configurable index masters by: Country, Market, Industry, and Category
- Configurable assessment templates


- Auto-fetches data from APIs - SimilarWeb, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google etc.
- Provides usage highlights, imports data & produces Infographics
- Can clone past inputs - entire category scopes or at brand level


- Provides a matrix view of your brand & competitors digital ecosystem
- Click and Drill analytics from graphs
- Gives detailed recommendations, action items, criticality flags


- Multi-variate, multi-sequence, multi-domain Flow Modelling
- Learns and updates the digital nuances by going through 1000s of data points